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Dec 24, 2019

Suggest a Category

If you don't find a suitable category for the product / service / news / etc that you want to post please use the contact form and suggest us a category. The plan is to have a very detailed category structure in the next months but there is always room to improve based on users feedback. Thank you!

Oct 09, 2019

Website Promotion Section

Website promotion section is a place where webmasters can promote their websites. Do you want to let the world know about your website? You can do it here. For this section there is a specific ad-plan , a permanent ad type plan.


This ad-plan enables the HTML editor that can be used for formatting, tables, styles and links. However please do not abuse the links, a maximum of 5 links per classified ad is allowed.

Oct 09, 2019

Accepting Crypto-Currency as Payment Method

If you are interested in using crypto-currency to purchase enhancements on please let us know.


You can purchase credits at a discounted price and pay with crypto currency. We are using Coinbase Commerce for our crypto currency operations.

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